Gardening Tools
Be Selective
Go to any decent sized garden centre and you will see a bewildering array of tools. Some are in frequent use in most gardens, whilst others may only be used occasionally but may be pretty well essential on those few occasions.
When starting out, it is wise to concentrate on those tools used most often and disregard the sales hype surrounding the latest gadgetry.
Choose Carefully
If at all possible, handle the tools before buying them. First, it is important that the size and weight are right for the person who is going to use them. Spades and forks, for example, are available with a range of handle heights to suit people of different stature. Good balance is also important if you are going to be using a tool frequently.
Consider the design, material and finish of handles to reduce the likelihood of muscle fatigue, blisters and the like.
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Prioritise Your Needs

Buy all the hand tools you need before considering heavy-duty equipment, which may not be needed very often. It may be more convenient to hire heavy equipment when required, which also avoids the cost of maintaining and storing it.
The basic tools needed by virtually every gardener include: spade, fork, hoe, rake secateurs and hand trowel. Hedges and shrubs require shears or, if they are extensive, it may be more appropriate to invest in a hedge trimmer. For a lawn, of course, you need a mower, lawn rake and possibly edge trimmers and edging iron to keep the lawn looking tidy.
Buy Quality
Whilst it isn't necessary to always buy the most expensive, it is wise to go for the best quality you can afford. As a general rule, not only will they be easier and quicker to use but they will last longer, which makes them a more cost-effective buy in the long run.