Planning for a Rock Garden
Rock Garden Ideas
If you are considering a rock garden or rockery as part of your overall garden design, it needs planning to avoid disappointment. Here are a few issues to consider in your planning:
The aim is to produce something that looks as natural as possible. In nature you don't tend to find a few rocks scattered over the surface of cultivated ground; nor do you find rocks in neat geometrical patterns such as circles or squares. Having said that, there's a multitude of ways to construct a rock garden so there is almost certainly something to please every taste.
Although we are talking about a 'rock' garden or rockery, there is no reason to be exclusively rocks. So, for example, it may incorporate a small pool or running water or a boggy patch, sculptures, pathways or whatever takes your fancy.
Read Also:
- Siting a Rock Garden
- Materials for a Rock Garden
- Constructing a Rock Garden
- Planting Up a Rock Garden
- Planning a Rock Garden
- Getting Started with Organic Gardening
- Garden Paths
- Planting a Hedge
- Laying a Hedge
- Planning a Rock Garden
- Dry Stone Walling
- Masonry Walls
- Gardening Skills
View Examples of Rock Gardens

Because you are trying to copy nature, it is well worth examining a few typical natural sites before beginning your own design. Perhaps spend a day touring some of the wilder parts of the countryside around where you live. It is also worth looking out some man-made designs that appear natural to you. Some of our country houses have excellent examples and you may even spot pleasing examples in local residential areas.
Have a camera with you so that you can study their construction when you get home. Having said all that, don't slavishly follow the design of someone else. It may not appear anything like as satisfying when transposed to a different location.
Select Plants for Your Rockery
As well as hard landscaping, consider what plants you want to grow, taking account of their preferred habitat, size when mature, colour, flowering seasons and anything else you would consider when selecting plants for your garden.
Viewing other local examples is an excellent source of ideas and inspiration and be sure to gain as much advice as you can from the Garden Centre, nursery or specialist alpine plant growers.
It's useful to know beforehand what you intend to plant but not to actually buy until the hard construction work is finished. This may take some time and as the work progresses you may change your mind about the nature and style of rock garden you want.
Read Also:
- Siting a Rock Garden
- Materials for a Rock Garden
- Constructing a Rock Garden
- Planting Up a Rock Garden
- Planning a Rock Garden
- Getting Started with Organic Gardening
- Garden Paths
- Planting a Hedge
- Laying a Hedge
- Planning a Rock Garden
- Dry Stone Walling
- Masonry Walls
- Gardening Skills