Garden Design for Children
Children's Design Basics
With most garden designs, while you want to make it appealing for adults, part of the brief is usually to make it attractive and safe for children.
Where possible a garden designed for children should appeal to all their senses, sight, touch, smell, sound and taste.
The design should attempt to incorporate as much interest as possible, including for example opportunities to discover new things and experiences, the ability to enjoy materials that are touchy feely such as water, sand, soil and all kinds of plants. Children also enjoy movement, perhaps in the form of flowing water in a stream, waterfall or fountain. Other forms of movement arise from the wind playing with branches or tall grasses.

To take children into account in your design, you need to list down the kind of activities that interest them. That is usually easier said than done because no two children are exactly alike in what they enjoy doing. In addition, children's interests change over time as they grow older, fashions change and because they eventually become bored with one activity after another.
The trick, therefore, is to incorporate generic features that can serve for a variety of purposes without too much effort.
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